Thursday, October 20, 2011

Below the Root - Damn D'ol Salaat!

I'm getting tired of this screen.
I sort of feel like I'm making a bit of progress. I have had a whole lot of stuff that just seems like useless banter, but I've also received a couple of clues. I'm also REALLY thinking I would like to start over as Pomma, as she's the most skilled in spirit. We'll see, naturally. I'm not sure there's any character progress, because I haven't seen any, but to be fair, I haven't explored everywhere yet.
I admit to a small amount of excitement when I saw this place...
Unfortunately, though I hoped to find useful information or items within the grand hall...
Important people?

Er, not so much.
...there was nothing to be found except this guy and a sad chick that said something along the lines of "yay we have a quester." Great.
        This is just a screenshot heavy post, I think. If I have something new to report, I will. Until then, here's more screenshots.
It's a hut.

Yeah, so far, everyone who offers to let me rest is feeling guile, deceit, or some variation thereof.

More different tree.

Climbing some vines.

Presumably that's a clue. Maybe? Maybe not. I have no idea.

Will do.

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